Monday, April 2, 2012

Half Baked!

19 weeks baby! Since the doctor won't let me go past 38 weeks, I'm officially half way done if not more. I've been off work for almost 3 weeks now. This is the longest I've been off since I was 13 years old when I got my first job. I'm not completely going insane yet. I'm finding little things to do. But I get so tuckered out so fast. It's really pathetic. I think I'm asleep as many hours as I'm awake. It has definitely helped though. My excruciating ligament pain had significantly decreased, thank ya Jesus! And the best news is my cervix has improved. When I went in last Thursday for the recheck, I think I floated out I was so happy. As if to say, everything is OK mama, baby A gave me a nice little kick during the ultrasound. Or she/he could have been just saying alright I'm done mom, get this lady off me. (which is probably more accurate!) These kids are just too funny. I love seeing them. I feel like I'll know them so much before they are even born. So we will continue to get checked every 2 weeks. It makes me feel better that the doctors are on top of things and are being proactive (even if it was to just shut me up.) Plus I get to see them and get tons and tons of pictures. Other than that things are just crazing along. Daddy got the nesting bug this weekend and cleaned out all the storage areas and got rid of so much crap. This is music to my purging ears! Usually he's a pack rat so I was impressed at how much he got rid off. He found a picture of the embryos from our 2nd cycle. I couldn't help but be sad for those babies. While we have never suffered a loss of a pregnancy, thank God, we still feel the loss of what could have been. It makes it easier that these babies are here but the scars of infertility are always a little raw. G put the picture up to my belly and said "say hi to your brothers and sisters." I tear up just thinking about it. From the darkness into the light.

Daddy Bites- Call him mr. mom but he is amazing. I cook dinner, he does EVERYTHING else. With the cervical issues happening the doctor told him he'd have to pick up the house work. I just laughed and said he already does! We have a little routine when he gets home. Of course Boston and Gandy get the first kisses, God forbid boston have to wait! Then I get a kiss, then the babies get a kiss. Daddy is definitely the most popular in this house. Everyone wants his attention.

Oh! In other news, after almost 5 years of marriage I've finally changed my last name. I won't lie, I cried. I've been that person for so long. But I've given that person up to be this person. A wife, a mother. So it's worth it. I'm sllooowwwlly getting used to it. Even G was a little sad to see my name go. That's all he's ever known me as. We agreed when he "yells" at me when I say something stupid he can still call me Kristen Ashley Mottinger. It just seems more appropriate to be yelled out that way.

Now for the half baked baby bump. Over night I got bigger so it's even bigger now. No seriously, I went to bed with an innie belly button and woke up with a flatter one. It was the weirdest thing!

1 comment:

  1. You look great Kris! So happy that everything has improved for you. Can't wait to see you:))
