Monday, April 9, 2012

20 Weeks

It has been quite a week (I feel like I say that a lot!) so if you make it through this post you deserve a cookie.

Thursday: G got home early from work so we thought it be nice to get out of the house and go to our favorite place.... Lowe's of course. I got in the shower and got ready. By the time that was over I started getting this tight feeling in my belly that would come and go. I thought hmm I wonder if that is what a braxton hicks contraction feels like. It was weird but I didn't put much thought into it. We went to lowe's but by the time we made the 10 minute drive I was having them more frequently so I opted to just sit in the car. My big outing reduced to sitting in the parking lot but I was just glad to see something other than these 4 walls. We went to dinner and I devoured a yummy cheeseburger (my absolute new fav thing) By the time we got home they were happening more frequently. After I had 7 in an hour I decided I should probably call the OB. She decided I should go to labor and delivery to be checked out. Poor G had to fast forward the Red Sox game opener that he tivo'd only to see that they had lost. I knew this the whole time but didn't want to ruin it for him. Then we headed into l&d. They hooked me up to the monitor and I was having "irritability." I still haven't got a clear definition of what that is but they say if it doesn't cause cervical change it's normal. They gave me 2 doses of terbutaline, which is a smooth muscle relaxer, and they stopped. I begged them to check my cervix while I was there given the last time I had similar experience with this feeling my cervix had changed. Needless to say the didn't find it "necessary." Poor G was so nervous he didn't shut up the whole time we were there. Anyone who knows anything about G knows he doesn't talk much. He even went and talked to the nurse to make sure the machine is working. Usually he's like "Don't worry they'll be back soon." He said it hit him all of a sudden being there that our babies are coming soon and we are sooo not ready. It was very cute and sweet.

Friday: I found out my disability had only been approved through the end of march since my cervix improved from the 16 weeks episode. I was freaking out about that because I just know if I go back to working 12 hour shifts it would not end well. I had a follow up appointment that afternoon with my OB, of which I was certain he would agree and assist me in getting my claim approved. BOY was I wrong. To say I was emotional prior to going in would definitely be an understatement. G tried so hard to be there with me but DC traffic on a Friday afternoon ain't for the weak of heart. So I was on my own with him on stand by on the phone.  The doctor came in to assess me and I expressed my concern about the fact that the last time I had these "pains" I had cervical change and no one checked me in L&D. He persisted to tell me everything was fine, normal, nothing to worry about. He kept referring to my pains as "cramping." Maybe I'm being a little OCD but this felt very different then cramping. He said if it's not more than 5 in an hour i shouldn't be concerned. I then said well it was more like 6 in an hour. Then he changed his story and said if it's not more than 7 in an hour not to call. He then did his exam and said my abdomen was so tight he couldn't even feel where my uterus was. I'm pretty sure that's not normal since they haven't had issues with that in the past. He chalked it up to me having strong abdominal muscles. Clearly he didn't see my pizza 6 pack prior to pregnancy. Once I started talking to him about disability, of which we agreed at 16 weeks was the best choice, he said he was not surprised it was denied and there is no "hard evidence" that I need to be on it. I should just go back to work, everything is fine, all normal, as long as it doesn't cause cervical change. This is the part that bothered me the most. How the HHHH can you say it didn't cause change when you didn't even check. So I broke down. When I say broke down, I mean ugly cry borderline panic attack. What was his reaction you ask, o gotta get these notes in the computer, o were you crying, see me in 2 weeks, then left the room. I was in there long enough to try to collect myself that they came and checked on me. I may have a lot of anxiety about this pregnancy (most would right?!) but I am far from an idiot. He also had the nerve to tell me "If you took a biology class you would know what the muscles are doing." I was so shocked I couldn't even say A-HOLE I went to nursing school. Just as I was pulling out of the parking lot G was pulling in and all I could mutter was the babies are OK. It took me a good 40 minutes to calm down and tell him what happened. Needless to say he was not pleased and said no ma'am you are not going back to work, we will figure this out! And then he made me sit on my butt all weekend while he nested and got rid of a bunch of crap in our house. Yea he's pretty awesome.

Monday: I just was not satisfied with this doctors assessment (funny how work imitates life) so I called my high risk doc. He squeezed me in this morning. I've never wanted to be wrong so much in my life. As it turns out I was right though. Not only had my cervix went back down to 2.8/2.6 under pressure but I now have funneling. Funneling is dilation from the inside. Fortunately it isn't a bad case but at 20 weeks it certainly raises a red flag. He agreed that I should absolutely not go back to work and I should decrease my activity even further. He prescribed me 2 medications to stop/slow the contractions. He was kind enough to address the disability several times in his report and print out a copy for me to fax to the insurance company. (something the OB refused to do) I'm definitely uneasy about all of this and the next 4 weeks until Viability day can not go fast enough! But I definitely feel good that I followed my instincts and went around that jack wad OB. Bet you can't guess that I switched OB's already. I went to drop off my chart copy to the new doctor. The nurse that was helping originally said it can take up to a week for the new dr. to read through my chart and accept me as a patient, but she took the initiative and went and told the dr. about me who immediately accepted me. I mean I already feel like I'm getting better care!

The babies are doing great though. Still moving and shaking. I'm starting to feel them more but poor G is still left out of the loop. Hopefully in the next couple weeks he will be able to join in. Please pray for this poor guys sanity! He is working double time to keep up, cooking, cleaning, doing laundry, being my fetcher. And never once has he come close to complaining. Where did I find this guy? Back off ladies I'm keeping him!!!

Baby A was suckin on his/her thumb. sooo cute. Daddy was sad he didn't see it :(

Baby B is proving to be more and more like daddy every day. I can't even touch my toes and am sad to say my husband is far more flexible than I'll ever be. I don't even know how this kid did it but he/she was sniffing their knees! baby b the bendy baby.

Hopefully the next update will be more like.... babies are great mama and daddy are great!

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