Tuesday, March 20, 2012

Hump Day Bump Day

OK I'm a day short on the hump day part but I can't think of anything else catchy for the title. So alas here is my first....of very few(don't want to scare the little kids) bump pictures.
As far as an update goes, basically the high risk and the ob left the decision up to us whether I should do light duty or short term disability. Their argument for light duty was if we financially needed it otherwise disability would be the least risk to the babies. Given that I am only 17 weeks and already have shortening of the cervix. We decided to not risk it. I would never forgive myself if I went back to work "light" duty (which still is a lot of walking) and things got worse and I had to go on bed rest/get a cerclage etc. Thank goodness I have 24 weeks of disability available to me. Why wait until something is really wrong?!? My cervix right now is 2.7. If it were to get to 2.5 I'd have to go on bed rest. For you math whizzes that's .2cm 2 mm. I mean REALLY it seems so nominal. So needless to say we are happy with our decision. Maybe I'll be able to get some decent sleep and my 3am worry session/cheeseteak craving session will be a thing of the past. Well that is of course until I can't roll over without a push from G which I suspect is not far in the future. So now i need to find a hobby. Maybe I'll become an extreme couponer!

With all these cervical checks, we get to see the babies more often; like every 2 weeks. SCORE! They are so funny. We already have personalities attached to them. Baby A is clearly like me because he/she just wants her space and doesn't like to be bothered. When the ultrasound tech put the probe on her/his head she threw her arms in the air like what the hell lady I was sleeping. Sounds vaguely familiar. Daddy was cracking up.

Baby B just seems so chill, just kinda mossies around in the womb. But he/she did show it's Delaware side and was fist pumping today. Mama's so proud. Yea Buddy

Friday, March 16, 2012

Catching up

I've been thinking of posts to write for weeks now but I never seem to make it to the computer. So we need to catch up. At around 14 weeks I started with some spotting. It turns out I was having some issues with a placenta previa (basically the placenta lies low over the cervix) Because of this I spent two days on bed rest. I was only allowed to get up to go to the bathroom. It sucked!!! Fortunately it resolved itself and I was back to work the next week. I felt better then I had since getting pregnant weeks 14 and 15. I had energy, I was sleeping, I did not have any nausea. I was thinking man I CAN do this. I have been working 8 hours shifts which have been making a real difference. That was of course until this week. I knew this would happen at one point but I didn't realize it would cause problems. I'm one of those people who run to the fires not away and this proved to be true this week at work. We had 2 patients not doing so well at the same time. Needless to say I over extended myself. I immediately realized I did to much when the cramping started. I had insomnia that night from midnight on. About 3 am I started to have this tightening pain in my umbilical area. I went in Thursday morning and the OB said it was just round ligament spasms but he wanted me to take the rest of the week off. Today we had our scheduled high risk appointment and as it turns out my cervix is being a little bugger. From what I have read the cervix is supposed to be between 4.0 and 5.0 cm at this point in the game and never really below 3 until labor begins. Mine is 2.7. It took everything in me not to cry my eyes out in front of the doctor (I have a theory they think I'm a crazy person) So I didn't really push for restricted work duty. I just don't think most people realize how physically demanding being a nurse is. Originally they said I'd need to plan on settling down by 28 weeks, this time he said I need to start thinking about 20 weeks. In reality, much like the placenta, the cervix can get longer. In order to do that, rest is an absolute. At this point he has not taken me out of work yet. I will get cervical checks every 2 weeks from here on out and if it gets worse I'll get them every week. God bless G and his sense of humor. His suggestion was of course he'd get his fishing line out and sew me right up. So my plans are to basically work and rest. I'll call my OB Monday to see what their spin on it is. They seem to be more conservative with their care (which I am all about!) Either way bed rest seems to be in my future at some point. All the prayers you can spare would be greatly appreciated.

Now for the good news! The babies must be jammin out to party rock because they just wiggle wiggle wiggle! The sonographer kept saying how they just never sit still. At last scan B was crushing A. I think she's about had it because she's now kicking her brother right in the head chuck norris style. Oh and no we don't know what they are we just "feel" A is a girl and B is a boy. It has absolutely no bases in reality because we won't know until they come but we just both have a feeling. G even made his new password our top boy and girl names. Time will tell but that's what we're going with now :) We could have found out today too! It will sure be interesting to feel these fist fights soon. Me thinks I won't be sleeping alot. They are both measuring spot on. Both are about 2 inches, A's hr 150's and 6oz. B hr 140's and 5oz. We did find out we tested high risk for Intrauterine growth restriction. I haven't read to much about it with all the cervix issues. But I do know they will probably be little and they'll be watching their growth closely.

Daddy bites-- I just don't know if all Daddy's are this exited to see their babies. Some say dad's don't make a connection with their babies until they are born but I just don't buy it. Geo is just as connected to them as I am. He had his head on my belly the other night. I asked him what he was saying to his babies and he said he was pretending to hear their heartbeats. He just can't wait to feel them. He'll roll over at night and hold my belly in his sleep. He talks to them like they are already here. When we got the stroller he did laps and just looked so happy. Not to mention he's been taking such good care of me. He's waiting on me hand and foot. He's definitely going to kill me when he reads this but he deserves to be recognized for being a rock star daddy. I cry every time I think about how lucky these kids are to be raised by such an awesome Dad. Enough sappy love stuff :)

We got lots of pictures this week....mostly of the star baby A. Poor baby B just couldn't get any room to show off while getting kicked in the head.

Kung Fu baby in training. Poor B

Baby A acting innocent and sweet

Baby B trying to rest in between head shots. Look at the little ear!

Head meet foot

Can you tell why we're in love!!!!